Saturday, August 30, 2008

for me,family is the important things in my life...for sure will not betray is the place where i live...for what reason i want to betray my own country..Malaysia is a peaceful country and i proud to be their citizen....friends...dont lie to yourself!!!!it is true that true friend can't be find anytime;anywhere,but we also dont live with our family for a long this,why many of us want to find the best characteristic that should have in a person...but at last we want to betray them..this is ridiculous!!!BETRAY ONE OF THEM IS LIKE YOU BETRAY YOURSELF!!!IT IS TRUE WHAT???I love my family,my friends and my country..:-)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

ChArAcTeRiStIc Of a FRIENDS!!!

The important is responsible..Why??i choose this because,for example if our friends have their responsible to their life,they also can teach us on how to be responsible person.Besides,this characteristic can build others characteristic likes,independent,helpful,caring,motivator,supportive and so on..Dont u think so????


from my opinion,a friend is a person that we can trust.The person who can accept us on what we are,where we are from,what our religion and anything about us.The main is,friend is a person who can give an good advice when we are doing wrong or mistake..'a friends in need,is a friend indeed'..

Personality VS Attitude?